BMAS is leading several initiatives to work on the missions of the society !

One of these is the setup of Working Groups (WGs) on several topics related to our society and the scientific field.

In the tabs you can find the goals of the 6 WGs in more detail.

If you identify another WG that we have not specified, please feel free to let us know.

A pre-meeting in Lausanne (during BMA2017) already led to the voluntary participation of several colleagues from our field, and the WGs have since attracted further members. In 2020, the Nomenclature WG and Methodologies WG each published position papers on these aspects of BMA research (here and here). More recently, the Biobanking WG has published our guidelines for biobanking in BMA-related research (here). Congratulations to all of our members for contributing to these important advances! 

If you wish to participate in one or more WGs, and be actively involved in the activities being initiated within them, please contact us.

By participating, you create the opportunity to contribute to the future missions and success of our growing society!

WG1- Nomenclature

The working group on nomenclature began in 2018 with the aim of identifying and standardizing the currently used definitions, acronyms and classifications related to BMA. By assembling a multidisciplinary membership, the Nomenclature WG has succeeded in classifying the diverse terms relevant to BMA research. In 2020 they published a position paper reporting these nomenclature guidelines, providing a basis for consistent, global use of these terms. The WG continues to monitor the literature and developments in the field to guarantee future use of these terms globally and correctly. 

For more information, check it out here

WG2- Methodologies

Over the recent years, the working group on methodologies has identified currently used methods related to BMA. These have been discussed with the aim to come up with standardized protocols after which the working group has published a position paper to guarantee use of these methodologies globally. Being an emerging field, the working group will continue to monitor BMA-related methodologies and update regularly on these to harmonize the use of BMA-related techniques world-wide. A focus point of WG2 will also become the big data emerging from BMA-related studies.

For more information, check it out here

WG3- Biobanking

The working group works on identifying currently used collection procedures related to BMA. These are currently being discussed with the aim to come up with standardized biobanking-related protocols after which the working group writes a draft on how to collect, store and future use materials related to BMA that will be sent around to the BMAS EB, SB and GA members for additional feedback. When approved, the draft file can be finalized and published to guarantee future use of standardized ways to collect and store tissues related to BMA globally.

For more information, check it out here

WG4- Public Engagement

The working group on public engagment focusses on ways to educate target groups outside the society, including other societies, patient organizations and the public. Since the start of the working group, fruitful collaborations have been set up with affiliating societies, such as ECTS and ASBMR. Finally, WG4 is involved in managing the social media (Twitter, LinkedIn) of BMAS. 

This WG is still looking for new members! Please contact Bram van der Eerden  if you are interested to join.

For more information check it out here

WG5- Applications of Clinical and Translational Research

The working group of clinical and translational research aims to exchange about patient-oriented research (POR) which is a specific type of clinical translational research where the patient is the focus of the investigation.

Besides, the WG reviews literature and organizes clinical translational research including observational, mechanistic, and therapeutic studies as well as clinical trials.


For more information check it out here

WG6- Next Generation BMAS (NGBMAS)

BMAS Board Alumni

This page lists previous members of the BMAS Executive and Scientific Boards, who remain committed to advancing BMA research and the goals of BMAS.

For more information check it out here