Composition of the Executive Board
- Six to twelve members, appointed for a 3-year term (once renewable) with particular focus on demographic and geographical diversity
- The EB will consist of at least: a president, vice-president (not from the same country as the president), secretary, treasurer, young investigator representative, and a webmaster
Mission and Tasks
- Running the Bone Marrow Adiposity Society
- Selecting the location of the future BMA meeting
- Conducting the general assembly
- Approve and liase with the scientific board
Associate professor and group leader at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, with expertise in the genetics and physiology of calcium/phosphate and bone metabolism. Member and former board member of the Dutch Calcium and Bone Metabolism Society, active member of ECTS and ASBMR. Guest editor of special issue on BMAT for Current Molecular Biology Reports. Current research focuses on novel candidate genes that are anabolic to bone, phosphate metabolism-related diseases as well as mechanisms behind cell-cell interaction in relation to fracture healing. For more information: can be found here
Julien Paccou, MD, PhD is a professor in Rheumatology at Lille University Hospital, France. He received his MD from Lille University Hospital in 2008. He has prepared and obtained his PhD thesis in 2013 on Vascular Calcification in Rheumatoid Arthritis in the INSERM U1088 laboratory at Amiens University Hospital, France. Then, he completed his postdoctoral fellowship in 2014 at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, UK under the supervision of Professor Cyrus Cooper.
His previous research has examined Vascular Calcification in Rheumatoid Arthritis. In a couple of review recently published, Pr Paccou and colleagues describe the role of the Bone Marrow Adiposity in Skeletal Health. One of his current projects is to collaborate with researchers in Public Health in order to continue to work on health database such as the SNDS (French National Health Database) and the UK Biobank.
Postdoctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome.
Organizing committee member of Third International Meeting on Bone Marrow Adiposity (Lausanne 2017).
Current research focused on pathogenetic mechanisms of Fibrous Dysplasia of bone and the role of Gs alpha pathway on cells of the bone marrow stromal system
Principal investigator at the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering of the UCLouvain (Belgium), running the Biomechanics lab. Expertise in quantitative contrast-enhanced X-ray microfocus computed tomography imaging (CE-CT) for virtual 3D anatomical pathology of biological tissues, mechanical testing of biological tissues and tissue engineering. Member of the scientific board of Prometheus (KU Leuven, Belgium) and 10% Visiting Professor at the Dept. Materials Engineering (KU Leuven, Belgium).
Current research aims to provide a better understanding of the relationship between structure, function and biological performance of biological systems, such as humans, animals, organs, tissues, cells. Particularly, strong expertise in 3D imaging, and more specifically CE-CT, which enables to visualize and structurally analyze in 3D multiple biological tissues (both mineralized and soft).
Further detail can be found here .
Dr. Amorim is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She is currently investigating the effects of fasting on bone metabolism and understanding the health consequences of caloric restriction with a focus on both bone cells and bone marrow adipose tissue. She currently serves on the Next Generation BMAS Committee.
Associate Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology at University of Minnesota, with expertise in adipose tissue biology, metabolism, and inflammation. Active member of ADA, ASBMB, TOS, and BMAS. Board member of Chinese American Diabetes Association. Current research focuses on cell-cell communication in metabolic and immune systems in obesity and aging.
Dr. Qiang is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Medicine and Department of Pathology and Cell Biology and the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University. His laboratory focuses on the mechanisms of adipose remodeling in the pathophysiology of obesity and aging. His team has illustrated the inhibition of bone marrow adiposity and bone loss by PPARg deacetylation, and identification of Adipsin as a novel regulator of bone marrow adiposity and bone remodeling. He pioneers depot-specific targeting of fat for local obesity treatment.
Principal investigator in the Department of Rheumatology at the Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland), with expertise in musculoskeletal pathology, bone biology and translational & clinical osteoarthritis research. Chair of the ECTS academy, member of BMAS, SBMS and OARSI and associate editor for basic science at Osteoarthritis & Cartilage. Current research focuses on unraveling the role of subchondral bone marrow adipose tissue in regulating pathological bone formation in osteoarthritis. Further details can be found here.

Christophe Chauveaux
Research Networks, France

André van Wijnen

Izabela Podgorski
Working Groups, USA

Pouneh Fazeli
Outreach Societies, USA
Deputy Director of the Lab Pathophysiology of Inflammatory Bone diseases, with expertise in the study of bone marrow adipocytes in mouse models of chronic energy deficit, and bone marrow stem cell (BMSC) differentiation. Member of the executive board of the French Society for Biology of Mineralized Tissues, and member of the Scientific Board of BMAS. Current research focuses on the regulation of BMA and BMSC differentiation in several mouse models displaying bone loss.
Since 2021, I have been a Professor at the University of Vermont (Burlington, Vermont, USA) with prior affiliations with the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota), University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester, Massachusetts), University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida) and the University of Utrecht (Utrecht, Netherlands). In addition, I have held multiple visiting professorships in Asia, Australia and Europe reflecting my broad international academic views and background. Throughout my career I have pursued fundamental research linked to skeletal development, cancer, stem cells and regenerative medicine. Currently, my group focuses on translational applications for first-in-class drugs that can support new bone formation in collaboration with clinicians and industry partners. The body of work resulting from my academic efforts encompasses >700 papers that have been cited nearly 60,000 times (H-index = 113), reflecting an enduring impact in the field. I have experience with active participation and leadership roles in multiple academic societies, a large and diverse number of grant review panels and editorial leadership positions.
Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit. Co-leader of Prostate Cancer Research Team and a member of Tumor Biology and Microenvironment Program at Karmanos Cancer Institute. Member of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Editorial member for Scientific Reports and a standing member of the NIH Tumor-Host Interactions review panel. Current research focuses on molecular mechanisms underlying the association between bone marrow adiposity and metastatic prostate and kidney cancers, with special interest in the role of adipocyte-supplied lipids in tumor resistance and therapy evasion in bone. Additional information about our research can be found here.

Souad Daamouch
Public Engagement, Denmark

Drenka Trivanović
Scientific Board Liaison,Serbia
Dr. Souad Daamouch is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Southern Denmark (KMEB) in Odense since 2024. Current projects include investigating BMAT content using advanced CRISPR-Cas9 mouse models and exploring the heterogeneity of stem cells from bone marrow aspirates and bone biopsies of elderly and osteoporotic individuals. PhD completed in 2023 in Dresden, Germany, through the European FIDELIO program, funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. Doctoral research examined the role of Dkk-1 in bone remodeling within an adipogenic mouse model, emphasizing the interactions between adipocytes and bone under steady and obesity-induced conditions. Member of the Next Generation BMAS Committee.
Clinical fellow in Endocrinology specializing in metabolic bone diseases at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Postdoctoral researcher in the Rosen Musculoskeletal Laboratory Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, USA. Member of the Dutch Calcium and Bone Metabolism Society, European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS), American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), Dutch Endocrine Society and European Society for Endocrinology (ESE), and the Endocrine Society. Member of the ECTS Academy and International Endocrine Scholar of the ESE. Current research focuses on the endocrine regulation of human bone marrow adiposity, with experience in clinical trials using MRI, histomorphometry and cell culture to assess bone marrow adiposity.